
Kirehe District official arrested over Rwf500,000 bribe

A Kirehe District official is being investigated by Rwanda Investigation Bureau (RIB) for allegedly receiving a Rwf500,000 bribe from an investor during the process of issuing a public tender.

Arrested on May 23, the official in question – Vital Gasagure, is in charge of infrastructure at the district. He was apprehended along with an accomplice named Evariste Sindikubwabo, according to RIB.

A statement issued by RIB showed that Gasagure is charged with soliciting and receiving a bribe, while Sindikubwabo is charged for complicity in the crime. The two are currently held at Kirehe RIB station as their files are being processed to be sent to the prosecution.

“RIB thanks all residents of Rwanda who have understood the disadvantages of corruption and report it. RIB also warns all who have continued to venture into corruption. Anyone who will be caught in such wrongdoing will not be tolerated,” read RIB’s statement in part.

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